Threat follows violence against Guaymas officials and their children 


Earlier this week, the comptroller of the municipality of Guaymas received a death threat demanding that he resign, on the same day the son of another municipal official was killed. 

Resign or die 

Guaymas Municipal Comptroller Rodolfo Valenzuela Barraza reported that he received a phone call on July 1. He was told that he must resign within 24 hours or lose his life.  

The threat may hold particular weight, because his predecessor Guaymas Comptroller Daniel René Morales Pardini was gunned down with another municipal official in June 2019 while driving on Avenida Serdán, a major Guaymas thoroughfare. 

Killings of children of municipal officials 

Also on July 1, a car full of men dumped the body of the son of municipal councilor Susana Jiménez on a street in Southern Guaymas. It was the second killing of the child of a Guaymas municipal official this year.  

Breakdown of civic authority? 

The threats and violent acts may indicate efforts by criminal elements to infiltrate and corrupt the operations of civic government in the municipality of Guaymas. 

And the blatant, lawless violence on public officials may be a sign of serious government instability, especially at the local level. 


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