Boarded the bus on Saturday; died on Sunday night 


A 28-year-old woman traveling with her family on a commercial bus was unresponsive at approximately 11:00 p.m. on Sunday night when the bus reached at the Querobabi military checkpoint south of Santa Ana, Sonora.

When her mother tried to wake her, it became evident that she had passed away. 

According to Sonora media reports, the woman had been traveling with symptoms of COVID-19. She her family had boarded the bus on July 4 in Cuautla, Morelos and were passing through Sonora en route to their home in San Quintin, Baja California. 

It was not clear whether the woman was symptomatic when she boarded the bus for her journey home. 

Bus stations in Mexico typically check the temperature of passengers as they board. However, it is possible that this screening was not available in Cuautla, due to the time of boarding or lack of equipment. 

It is not clear whether contact tracing was done, or will be done, for other passengers who may have been exposed to the novel coronavirus as they shared a bus with the woman. 

Tourist advisory

We do not recommend bus travel in Mexico at this time. It has become apparent that people infected with the coronavirus may cause buses to become a congregate setting for the rapid transmission of the virus.

And if you do not feel well, or have flu-like symptoms, do not go out in public and especially avoid indoor congregate settings. Stay home.


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