Walk the Monuments in Navojoa and Learn about Mexican History

Get Some Exercise While Learning about History

The city of Navojoa, Sonora has a number of busts and statues along its city boulevards and street that represent key figures and symbols in Mexican history. And they also represent a chance to do some urban hiking while learning about the history of the Republic of Mexico.

Depictions of heroes of the Mexican Independence and Mexican Revolution, along with presidents and other important people in the history of the republic are on display in the thoroughfares that extend outward in eight directions from the cities rounded-square-shaped Plaza Cinco de Mayo, most of them on the boulevards of Calle No Reeleccion.

Whether intentional or not, these impressive monuments offer a mobile history lesson, where you can learn while getting exercise and becoming more familiar with the city.

Located on intersections with the plaza are: a monument that is a replica of the famous Angel of Independence in Mexico City (a monument to honor the heroes of the Mexican Independence); a statue of Mexican President Benito Juarez; an angel guarded by two lions; and a statue of Miguel Hidalgo, the priest who famously shouted “Viva Mexico!” as a call to Mexican independence.

If you walk west for six blocks on Avenida Obregon, you will find the impressive monument to Don Alvaro Obregon, erected by his friends and admirers in 1930, two years after his assassination.

Walking north from the plaza along Calle No Reeleccion, you will see busts and information about Mariano Matamoros, Francisco Javier Mina, Antonio Rosales, Melchor Ocampo, Hermenegildo Galeana and Francisco I. Madero.

Take the southbound boulevard (Calle No Reeleccion Sur), after passing the monument to Miguel Hidalgo you will find monuments to Vicente Guerrero, Ignacio Lopez Rayon, Andres Quintana Roo, Nicolas Bravo, Mariano Abasolo, Mariano Jimenez, Doña Josefa Ortíz de Domínguez and Leona Vicario.

And if you have walked that far, stop to rest at Plaza Santa Fe and make a visit to the Regional Museum of the Mayo.

There is an Une bus that travels in both directions on Calle No Reeleccion, so if you get tired you can take the bus to the next monument.

Be sure to take rest breaks and drink plenty of water. Be careful when crossing the street and entering traffic. And bring your Spanish translation app, because the information on the monument plaques is in Spanish. Even if you do not have a translation tool though, you can get the gist of the biographical information.

And enjoy your monumental Mexican history learning experience!

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Navojoa lodging

See more photos of Navojoa

Francisco Javier Mina - the monuments of Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico
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Matamoros - the monuments of Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico
Josefa Ortiz - The monuments of Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico
Vicente Guerrero - the monuments of Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico
The monuments of Navojoa, Sonora, Mexico

The Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navajoa, Sonora

The Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navajoa, Sonora

Profesor Lombardo Ríos Ramírez

Museo Regional del Mayo

The Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navajoa, Sonora offers a glimpse back into the culture and history of the indigenous Mayo people and this region in Southern Sonora they have inhabited for centuries.

The Museo Regional del Mayo is in a two-story red brick building that was constructed in 1923 as the railroad office for the Railroad of the Mayo River, and it is still located adjacent to the railroad tracks. It is named after its founder, Profesor Lombardo Ríos Ramírez, who is an expert on the flora, fauna, archaeology and native peoples of the region and has been a driving force in establishing cultural museums and learning centers in the area.

Former Mexican President and General Alvaro Obregon, who was born in Navojoa, planned the railroad to continue south to the Sonoran coastal village of Yavaros and west to Huatabampo, to provide a means of transportation to Navojoa for the rich agricultural production of the region.

The museum has a section dedicated to President Obregon, who was born in the municipality of Navojoa and was assassinated in April of 1928 at the age of 48.

After the building was no longer used as a railroad office, it was occupied for a time by the Ronaud family. The museum was opened in July of 2002, and is a must-see stop when you are exploring Navojoa.

I toured the museum in April of 2017, and as someone who loves learning about history and culture I enjoyed the experience. For a nominal entrance fee, I was given a guided tour by a very friendly and knowledgeable guide who not only explained the meaning of the various exhibits, but also provided interesting background information about the displays.

And even if you do not speak Spanish the photos and artifacts also speak for themselves. If you would like to visit the museum with a large group, they ask that you please notify them in advance – contact information is listed below.

There are six main themes in the Museo Regional del Mayo, all related to the history and cultural heritage of the region. They are: Prehistory and colonization; temporary exhibits; Mayo ethnology and ethnicity; the history of the museum property; and historical archival photos of Navojoa from the 20th century.

The Museo Regional del Mayo is located on Calle No Reeleccion in Navajoa, adjacent to the Plaza Santa Fe. The sites are both along an Une city bus route.


Museo Regional del Mayo Profr. Lombardo Ríos Ramírez
Ayuntamiento de Navojoa

Open 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday – Saturday
Closed Sunday and Monday

Leona Vicario 200
Colonia Juárez
CP 85860
Navojoa, Navojoa, Sonora
Tel.: +52 (642) 421-5531

Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navojoa, Sonora

Tour Guide at the Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navojoa, Sonora
Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navojoa, Sonora
Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navojoa, Sonora
Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navojoa, Sonora
Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navojoa, Sonora
Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navojoa, Sonora
Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navojoa, Sonora
Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navojoa, Sonora
Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navojoa, Sonora
Regional Museum of the Mayo in Navojoa, Sonora