Sonora, Mexico color-coded map of safety and risk for residents and travelers

Due to the deteriorating security situation in many areas of Sonora, we have created a map to provide a general overview of the relative safety and risk in visiting various areas of Sonora, Mexico.

As you can see, the majority of the state is currently color-coded in a light shade of red, indicating a higher level of risk for residents and visitors. 

This rating is due to news stories about violent crime that started to grow steadily early last year, including killings of police officers and municipal officials.

Green zones

These areas are still relatively safe for visitors. In Northern Sonora, they include the corridor from Nogales to Santa Ana, the corridor from Santa Ana to the coast and along the coast from the municipality of Caborca to Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point).

This includes the towns and cities of Imuris, Magdalena de Kino, Santa Ana, Trincheras, Altar, Pitiquito, Caborca and the coastal beaches of Puerto Lobos, Desemboque and Puerto Peñasco

And the southern green zone includes the city of Navojoa and the pueblo of Alamos, Sonora.

Yellow zones

Use caution when traveling in the zone west of Puerto Peñasco to the border with Baja California, and south of the municipality of Navojoa in Southern Sonora.

Red zones

Use extreme caution when traveling in the rest of Sonora. From south of Santa Ana to south of Ciudad Obregon. All points east of Mexico highway 15. And desert areas north of Mexico highway 2.


We will update zones and colors as we observe a decrease in crime that could affect tourists and receive assurances from the state of Sonora and the U.S. State Department.