February 2018 Events in Sonora

February 2018 Events in Sonora, Mexico

February events in Sonora, Mexico. February is a month with nationally observed religious, government and social events. The official end of the Christmas season is observed on February 2, Constitution Day and Flag Day mark national achievements and February 14 is a popular day to celebrate love and friendship.


Candlemas – Día de la Candelaría
The Day of the Candelaría, also known as Candlemas, is a religious holiday that marks the end of the Christmas season in the church calendar. Traditionally images of the baby Jesus are blessed in a church ceremony, and meals of tamales are prepared by the people who received the plastic baby Jesus in their piece of Rosca de Reyes bread on January 6.


Día de la Constitución – Constitution Day
A national public holiday to commemorate the Constitution of 1917, which was enacted following the Mexican Revolution.

8 – 13

Guaymas, Sonora
This annual gala includes parades and other festive events, up to the night of the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, the traditional start of the Lenten season. More information.


Día del Amor y Amistad – Valentine’s Day
In Mexico this day is to celebrate friendship and love. As in other countries, friends and lovers exchange cards and gifts.


Día de la Bandera – Flag Day
Schools, banks and government offices are closed in observance of this national holiday to honor the flag of Mexico.

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