Sonora Sightseeing and Cultural Immersion

With unmatched natural beauty and centuries of history and culture, the state of Sonora offers ample opportunities to explore and learn.  The people are friendly and open, the architecture and local attractions are often fascinating, and the food is great.


Learn about the six main regions of Sonora and the sightseeing experiences they offer:

The Border
Coastal Sonora
Northern Sonora
Central Sonora
Southern Sonora
Rio Sonora


Sonora and its people are incredibly photogenic. The natural beauty of the state, its historic buildings and beautiful people make this a fantastic place for photographers to visit. Click here to see more photos of Sonora.


Learn about Sonoran culture and traditions, including the native peoples of Sonora. Read more.

Day of the Dead is a major event in Sonora, as it is in other parts of Mexico. Sonorans gather at cemeteries, build altars, have processions and other activities. Learn more about Day of the Dead in Sonora. 


Nearly every pueblo has an annual festival to honor its patron saint, or pay homage to a historic figure or event. Click here to see a calendar of Sonoran festivals and events.

Bird Watching

An abundance of natural bird species live in various areas of Sonora, providing ample opportunities for bird watchers and other naturalists.

Other Links

Sonora tourism operators
Sonora ecotourism
Sonora ecotourism organizations 
Coastal water birds
Southeastern AZ Bird Observatory’s Guide to Birding in NW Mexico
An account of two bird watchers’ visit to Sonora

Rancho Puerto Blanco in Caborca, Sonora, Mexico
Planet Nogales