Mission San Antonio Paduano del Oquitoa in Oquitoa, Sonora, Mexico

Kino Sonoran Missions

Mission San Antonio del Oquitoa

Mission San Antonio Paduano del Oquitoa in Oquitoa, Sonora, Mexico
Misión de San Antonio de Oquitoa
Misión de San Antonio Paduano del Oquitoa

The Iglesia de San Antonio mission church in Altar is located a few miles north of Altar, Sonora on a Sonoran state highway. The Mission was established in 1690 by Italian Jesuit missionary Padre Eusebio Francisco Kino. Read more about Kino missions in Sonora.

In its early history the mission at Oquitoa was a visita (subordinate church) to Caborca, Tubutama and then Atil. It became a cabecera (head church), albeit without visitas, in 1830.

The church is representative of traditional Jesuit churches, with a flat roof and open-hall sanctuary. It was renovated by Franciscans in the late 18th century, which included adding brick and mortar, and constructing the front facade of the building, to include its arched entrance.

It was restored in 1920, and again in 1959. The church still has an active congregation.

The mission and its adjoining cemetery (with a variety of interesting and beautiful grave markers) can be seen from the road to Oquitoa. To get to the church, you will need to enter the town and take the winding road up the hill to the cemetery.

The parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Altar has the historical church records from Caborca and Altar, going back for more than 100 years. It also provides a source of compassion and nourishment to visitors to the area.

Read more about Oquitoa

The city cemetery in Oquitoa, Sonora