Major Political Shifts in 2018 Sonora, Mexico Elections
Early Electoral Results Show a Potential Morena Sweep in Sonora
Moreno Coalition Candidate Leads in All Electoral Races
A relatively new left-wing political party may upset Sonoran political candidates from more established parties in every race of the 2018 election. Candidates representing a coalition of the National Regeneration Party (also known as Morena), the leftist Labor Party (PT) and the conservative right-wing Social Encounter Party (PES) lead in all contested elections in Sonora.
The other Sonora political alliances from the 2018 election were:
The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which affiliated with the Green Ecological Party (PVEM) and the liberal New Alliance Party (PANAL), and
The National Action Party (PAN) aligned with the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), a 1989 offshoot of the PRI party, and the Citizen’s Movement Party (MC).
Morena was founded in 2014 by former Mexico City mayor Andrés Manuel López Obrador as a national democratic “neoliberal” political movement. López Obrador formed the party as a challenge against the entrenched political structure in Mexico.
The party is opposed to the current Mexican government, which it considers to be authoritarian, unjust and corrupt. Morena espouses a left-wing economic view with a focus on market competition. Read more about Mexican political parties.
Yesterday, in a historic Mexican election that rang out as a mandate against the status quo of corruption and crime, Morena alliance presidential candidate López Obrador was elected president of Mexico, and will assume the office on December 1.
And early voting results indicate that the ascendance of the Morena coalition with have much more impact than on the Mexican presidency. Candidates from the alliance are serious contenders in eight of nine contested gubernatorial elections in Mexico.
And in Sonora, with more than half of votes counted a Morena alliance candidate is leading in all of the state’s political races – for federal senators, federal deputies (similar to representatives in the U.S.), and mayors.
Federal Senators (Senadores Federales)
With 51.24 percent of votes counted, Morena alliance candidates Alfonso Durazo and Lilly Téllez hold a commanding lead with 49.61 percent of votes cast, over the 27.16 percent showing of PRI candidates Sylvana Beltrones and Manuel Ignacio Acosta. PAN candidates Antonio Astiazarán and Leticia Cuesta trail with 23.23 percent of the vote.
Federal Deputies (Diputados Federales)
With more than 51 percent of the votes counted, Morena alliance candidates held commanding double-digit leads over PRI alliance candidates in six of the seven Sonora legislative districts, and a five percent lead in the Guaymas legislative district. PAN alliance candidates are in third place in all seven legislative districts.
District 1 – San Luis Rio Colorado
Manuel de Jesús Baldenebro (Morena) 46.87 percent
Gabriela González Navarro (PRI) 26.89 percent
Leonardo Arturo Guillén Medina (PAN) 26.23 percent
District 2 – Nogales
Ana Gabriela Guevara Espinoza (Morena) 45.07 percent
Humberto Jesús Robles Pompa (PRI) 27.89 percent
Angélica Miranda Molina (PAN) 27.04 percent
District 3 – Hermosillo
Lorenia Valles Sampedro (Morena) 47.95 percent
David Homero Palafox Celaya (PRI) 28.05 percent
José Carlos Serrato Castell (PAN) 24 percent
District 4 – Guaymas
Heriberto Marcelo Aguilar Castillo (Morena) 43.31 percent
Otto Guillermo Clausen Iberri (PRI) 38.53 percent
Jesús Saldaña López (PAN) 18.17 percent
District 5 – Hermosillo
Wendy Bricaño Zuloaga (Morena) 42.92 percent
Iris Fernanda Sánchez Chiu (PRI) 32.28 percent
Rita Olivia Burgos Villaescusa (PAN) 24.79 percent
District 6 – Obregon
Carlos Javier Lamarque Cano (Morena) 60.99 percent
Anabel Acosta Islas (PRI) 25.82 percent
Verónica Isabel Montoya Uriarte (PAN) 13.19 percent
District 7 – Navojoa
Hildelisa González Morales (Morena) 51.65 percent
Ana María Luisa Valdés Avilés (PRI) 29.34 percent
Raul Augusto Silva Vela (PAN) 19.01 percent
Mayoral Election (Alcaldes)
With 65 percent of votes counted in the eight contests for mayors of municipalities (alcaldes), all races are led by a Morena alliance candidate. As with Federal Deputy races, the leading Morena candidate is followed by the PRI alliance candidate, with the PAN alliance in third place.
Five of those candidates have a solid double-digit lead, but the municipalities of Hermosillo, Nogales and Agua Prieta have closer races. In the Hermosillo and Nogales races, this is apparently due to the strength of a Citizen’s Movement (MC) candidate that ran outside the PAN alliance as a Citizen’s Movement (MC).
Célida López (Morena) 33.03 percent
Ernesto de Lucas (PRI) 29.71 percent
Myrna Rea (PAN) 17.4 percent
Carlos León (MC) 13.87 percent
Sergio Pablo Mariscal Alvarado (Morena) 37.17 percent
José Rodrigo Robinson Bours (Purple?) 24.54 percent
Emeterio Ochoa Bazúa (PRI) 18.23 percent
Gustavo Ignacio Almada Bórquez (MC) 15.46 percent
Jesús Antonio Pujol Irastorza (Morena) 33.1 percent
Jorge Octavio Freig Carrillo (PRI) 28.57 percent
Marco Antonio Valenzuela Herrera (MC) 23.5 percent
David Cuauhtémoc Galindo Delgado (PAN, incumbent) 12.99 percent
San Luis Rio Colorado
Santos González Yescas (Morena) 47.73 percent
Héctor Virgilio Leyva Ramírez (PRI) 26.1 percent
José Everardo López Córdova (PAN) 22.66 percent
Luis Humberto Valtierra Armenta (MC) 2.49 percent
María del Rosario Quntero Borbón (Morena) 45.65 percent
Jorge Luis Márquez Cázares (PRI) 35.18 percent
Martín Ruy Sánchez Toledo (PAN) 16.13 percent
Rogelio Alfredo Alvarez Ceballos (MC) 2.12 percent
Sara Valle Dessens (Morena) 60.08 percent
Luis Alejandro Bárcenas Salido (PRI) 24.88 percent
Lorenzo De Cima Dworak (PAN) 8.64 percent
Sergio Carlos García Rascón (MC) 4.78 percent
Librado Macías González (Morena) 56.68 percent
Rodrigo Acuña Arredondo (PRI) 28.75 percent
Darío Murillo Bolaños (PAN, PRD) 8.95 percent
Patricia Azcagorta Vega (MC) 4.79 percent
Agua Prieta
Jesús Alfonso Montaño Durazo (Morena) 39.69 percent
Vicente Terán Uribe (PRI) 31.26 percent
Carlos Manuel Fu Salcido (PAN) 24.89 percent
Guillermo Alfonso Elías Fabela (MAS) 1.43 percent
We will provide official results as they become available.