US-Sonora border closed for “nonessential travel”

Early closure notice results in rush of holiday weekend visitors 


On Wednesday, July 1, in order to try to stem the rapid growth of coronavirus cases in her state, Sonora Governor Claudia Pavlovich announced that the border between Arizona and Sonora would be closed to non-essential (leisure) travel at three major border crossings, starting on the 4th of July weekend.

The operation, conducted in coordination with Mexico’s National Institute of Migration (INM), would place officials south of border crossings in Agua Prieta, Nogales and San Luis Rio Colorado. The Lukeville-Sonoyta border crossing would remain open to allow tourists to visit the coastal city of Puerto Peñasco, also known as Rocky Point.

Essential activities

The closure defined “essential” travel in the same way as U.S. border closures have, with the exception of being able to cross the border for education-related activities, which is not allowed.

Essential activities for travelers who want to visit Sonora include crossing the border for medical and dental services, to purchase medication and for legitimate business purposes.

Crossing the border for leisure activities is not permitted.

Rush to the border

As soon as the closure was announced, Arizonans packed their weekend bags and rushed the border to get into Sonora before the ban began.

But at the Lukeville border crossing, citizens and local police in Sonoyta essentially blocked southbound traffic on Friday. They stopped foreign vehicles and turned them around, not allowing traffic to proceed to Rocky Point. The blockade was disbanded before the weekend stream of traffic to Puerto Peñasco.

Lax enforcement?

On Friday, El Imparcial reporter Rubén A. Ruiz watched a checkpoint between Adolfo López Mateos Avenue and Campillo Street in Nogales. Operated by state police assisted by the Nogales Civil Protection Unit (UPC), in a two-hour period on Friday morning they turned back 12 vehicles from the U.S

But starting at noon, they began to allow all vehicles to pass and continued to do so for the time that reporters watched the checkpoint.

Current border closures

Currently, the border crossings at Douglas-Agua Prieta, Nogales and San Luis Colorado are closed to southbound non-essential traffic.

The Lukeville-Sonoyta border crossing should be open. However, due to conflicts between the municipalities of Sonoyta and Puerto Peñasco, there may be intermittent closures that prevent southbound traffic from the U.S.

Arizona-Sonora website

Sonora border remains open for American visitors

art along the border wall in nogales sonora

Editor’s note: Since this article was published, Sonora has closed its border to non-essential travel. Tourists can still cross the border for medical and dental services, and to purchase medication. Read more

Mexico and Border restrictions are targeted at Canadian and Mexican non-commercial travel

When the White House Coronavirus task force restricted “non-essential” travel from Canada and Mexico (with a few exceptions) last week, many thought the restrictions were reciprocal and also apply to Americans.

They do not.

The State Department also issued an international travel advisory last week that elevated every other nation in the world to Level 4, a “do not visit” recommendation. That advice is relevant but not binding, and the agency further advised that Americans currently in foreign countries should come home immediately or plan to stay where they are for an extended amount of time.

Many who live or have extended stays have started coming back as they realize that their insurance policies have been canceled. And that they do not want to be in the middle of a pandemic outbreak in an area with limited resources and medical care options.

Agreements not reciprocal

As mentioned, the border restrictions have a few exceptions, such as Mexicans and Canadians coming to the United States for medical care or educational purposes.

But Mexico has not enacted any restrictions to foreign visitors. And for reasons listed above, you probably do not want to travel very far into Mexico. But at this moment it seems there are reasons why you might want to visit a Sonoran border city.

Visiting Sonora border cities

The website Planet Nogales has posted some reasons for visiting the border, even during these times of crisis.

Border dentists and doctors use personal protective equipment (PPE), as always, to minimize the risk of pathogen transfer as they care for patients.

Border pharmacies offer discount medications that may not be available in Arizona, such as chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. And it is a place where you can safely practice social spacing in the sparse plazas and shops, and in the short lines to return across the border.

Nogales dentist Dr. Victor Manuel Perez of Dental Advanced in Nogales, who has cut back hours during the border closure, has posted information on his website that explains how Nogales dentists are dealing with the coronavirus. Measures that include offering a medical prescription to clients that they can present at the border to show they were in Nogales for medical reasons.


The border is open, the Mexican peso is inexpensive and all of the reasons to visit the Nogales border tourism areas are still relevant.

Just remember to take the appropriate precautions of washing and sanitizing your hands, not touching your face, and maintaining the appropriate physical distance from others.

So, is it time to make a run for the border?

Nogales Dental Advanced
Arizona-Sonora website