Hotels in Huatabampo, Sonora

Hospedaje en Huatabampo, Sonora


Find the best hotels and motels in Huatabampo, Sonora, Mexico. There are some very nice, comfortable and secure hotels in Huatabampo that are great places to stay, whether you are exploring the town or planning a day trip to the beach at Huatabampito.

Huatabampo hotels are also very reasonably priced, especially if you can speak Spanish and can call the hotel directly, And you will not find the better hotels in Huatabampo on TripAdvisor, Expedia, Kayak, or most other online booking service.

The reason? The online booking websites charge high commissions that simply do not make business sense to smaller Mexican hotels. Even if you see a Sonora hotel listed on an online booking website, if you contact the hotel directly you can save 20 percent or more on the price of your stay.

We will soon be offering a solution for this, to help you get the best deals for hotels in Huatabampo and other Sonora cities. In the meantime, if you would like to reserve a hotel in Huatabampo, we would be glad to help – just send us a message.

Click on a link to see more information about the hotel and see exclusive photos.


Habitaciones California
Benito Juárez García
Colonia Fraccionamiento Diaz
More info and photos – Más información y fotos

Hotel Alys
Francisco I Madero S/N
Colonia Centro Habitacional
More info and photos – Más información y fotos

Hotel Finca Real
Avenida Juarez 216
Colonia Fraccionamiento Diaz
Huatabampo, Sonora, Mexico
+52 (647) 426-3196

Hotel La Pasadita
Galeana 105
Colonia Centro
More info and photos – Más información y fotos

Hotel Plaza
Calle 16 de Septiembre
Colonia Centro Habitacional
More info and photos – Más información y fotos

Hotel Sonora
Calle 5
Colonia Centro
Huatabampo, Sonora, Mexico
+52 (647) 426-0253

Hotel Los Olivos
Avenida Agustin de Iturbide 41
Colonia Centro
More info and photos – Más información y fotos